International Cooperation

2020 Sustainable development and International Youth Innovation Forum

2020-12-24 10:30:42 mana 66

From December 22 to 23, the "sustainable development and International Youth Innovation Forum 2020" was held in Shenzhen Youth Square by Shenzhen Science and technology innovation Commission, Shenzhen Youth Federation, Shenzhen Youth Entrepreneurship Promotion Association and Shenzhen Institute of sustainable development with the strong support of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the United Nations Asia Pacific Economic and Social Council. With the theme of "innovation driven, science and technology enabled, high-quality sustainable development", more than 30000 young people from more than 70 countries all over the world attended the innovation event through the combination of online and offline, looking forward to the bright future of International Youth Science and technology innovation, and advocating science and technology innovation to promote human sustainable development.

The goal of the forum is to strengthen the introduction and cultivation of a group of strategic scientific and technological talents, scientific and technological leading talents, young scientific and technological talents and high-level innovation teams with international level, so as to gather talents from all over the world. At present, the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic is still rampaging around the world. The organizers, on the basis of ensuring safety, will further implement the eight provisions of frugal management and practical results, with sustainable development as the guide, further stimulate the vitality of the whole nation's innovation and entrepreneurship, and guide a wider social resources to focus on the sustainable development and industrial structure adjustment direction at home and abroad, and attract outstanding entrepreneurial teams at home and abroad. And enterprises to Shenzhen business development, strive to create a good environment for innovation and entrepreneurship, and seek the convergence point of scientific and technological innovation and sustainable development.

Xu Youjun, vice chairman of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Gu Shuzhong, deputy director of the development research center of the State Council, Qiu Xuan, Secretary of the Party group and deputy director of the Shenzhen Science and technology innovation Commission, Fang Lin, Secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and honorary chairman of the Shenzhen Youth Federation, were present at the meeting· Ms. Ali shahbana and Dr. Hashim, director of the investment and Technology Promotion Office of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, delivered a video address;

Xu Youjun said that scientific and technological innovation is the first driving force for Shenzhen's development. Shenzhen will thoroughly implement the relevant spirit of the central, provincial and municipal governments, deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy, focus on deepening the reform in the field of science and technology, effectively integrate innovation resources, fully stimulate the innovation and entrepreneurship vitality of the whole society, and strive to promote the better and faster development of Shenzhen. We should continue to adhere to the people-oriented principle of scientific and technological development, firmly adhere to the strategic direction of sustainable development, further open up the situation of scientific and technological innovation, and create the future.

In his video speech, almida salcia Ali shahbana affirmed the positive role of digital economy in the new epidemic situation, pointed out that youth are the main driving force of social, economic and cultural changes, and put forward the earnest expectation for the youth generation to promote the development of the future world. She said that in order to actively promote the implementation of the sustainable development goals, the UN Economic and Social Council for Asia and the Pacific, agencies and partners of the United Nations system are working closely with Member States and all stakeholders to find new ways to help young people and develop innovative solutions with them. The implementation of the program is expected to be accelerated in the Asia Pacific region.

In his video speech, Dr. Hashim stressed that youth is the driving force of future development and the main force of digital revolution, entrepreneurship and innovation. He also announced that two global cooperation projects, the "Global Entrepreneur plan" and the "Virtual Tutor plan", will be carried out with Shenzhen Youth Entrepreneurship Promotion Association to play a positive role in promoting global value investment.

Through three parallel forums, more than 20 well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad, young high-level talents and other representatives have conducted in-depth discussion and experience sharing around the theme. The wonderful speeches of the guests at the forum have contributed wisdom to unity and cooperation among countries, overcome difficulties, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and achieve sustainable development, laying a solid foundation for practical cooperation among all parties.

Mr. Hashim said that this forum plays an important role in promoting the construction of global sustainable development, and is expected to further enhance the level, expand the influence, build a long-term institutional platform, continuously expand the field of institutional research, and pay more attention to the sharing of results, so as to protect the ecological environment, For Chinese enterprises to better go to the world to participate in the "UAE 2021 Dubai World Expo" based on the world stage to create good conditions, create a gorgeous starting point.


What did young talents talk about in Shenzhen?

Parallel Forum 1: sustainable economic development in the post epidemic Era

Results of the Forum: the development direction of non-contact scientific and technological innovation in the process of sustainable development industrial transformation has been clarified

The novel coronavirus pneumonia has brought about a non-contact economy and highlights its positive role in the prevention of infectious diseases. As an emerging industry and innovative business model, can it go hand in hand with the sustainable development strategy to create the future in the process of industrial transformation and upgrading? How to play a positive role in sustainable development?

Representatives of international organizations such as the United Nations Economic and Social Council for Asia and the Pacific, the world bank and other international organizations, through how to win the battle of epidemic prevention, how Shenzhen can vigorously promote the industrial solutions of non-contact logistics, non-contact information flow, non-contact currency flow, non-contact traffic and people flow, non-contact health care services related to human body, and health services, Make use of the advantages of our own manufacturing industry to conduct detailed and in-depth exchanges.



Parallel forum 2: resilient urban renewal and sustainable development of Shenzhen

Results of the Forum: an inclusive, safe, disaster resistant and sustainable quantitative system for urban and resilient communities has been initially established.

What is a resilient community? How to build a resilient community? What role has resilient community played in this epidemic? How to run maintenance in the future?

The forum takes Shenzhen sustainable development demonstration community "Nankeng community" as a case, through the quantitative and digital expression of the relevant elements of "resilient community", obtains the solution model of establishing safe and resilient community "n + 1 + 1 + n". By strengthening the cooperation between relevant departments and communities, the model plans cities and human settlements, and establishes a "smart community" platform which includes five dimensions: serving "one old and one small", narrowing the service distance, creating online community, unblocking public sentiment and public opinion, and helping to resume production and work, so as to support the sustainable development scenario, so as to widely replicate the resilient community model.



Parallel forum 3: good health and well being and Shenzhen action

Forum results: provide new ideas for Shenzhen to continue to firmly implement the sustainable development plan.

The forum highlighted the positive role of blue economy in the development of new industries and its important position and role in the implementation of SDG 14. Representatives of international organizations, governments, think tank scholars and social organizations were invited to attend the forum to provide suggestions and suggestions for Shenzhen to deepen the supply side structural reform, cultivate and strengthen emerging industries, and implement the sustainable development agenda. The forum called for the issuance of "blue bonds" to effectively improve the support of special funds for sustainable blue economic development, meet the growing financing needs of the blue economy, and play a greater role in the upgrading and transformation of blue industry.

(correspondent: Cai Shujuan)
